This page contains information for
- Foreign students wishing to come to Grenoble studying Physics
- Grenoble students wishing to go abroad
- Students wishing to obtain a double degree
1. Foreign students wishing to come to Grenoble studying Physics
The Master in Physics is taught exclusively in French at both M1 (1st year of the master 1) and M2 (2nd year) levels, except for the M2 Turbulence Méthodes et Applications, which is bi-lingual with nearly 60% in French and 40% in English. Although documents provided by the teachers may be in English, and themselves speaking well English, French will remain the main spoken language during the courses.
The level in French language must be at least C1 in order to fully grasp all the subtleties taught in the courses.
As a consequence, the less you master French and the more important must be your skills in Physics. Note that, regardless of this constraint, speaking good enough French remains the condition for ensuring you the best life experience in Grenoble (and everywhere else in France).
If necessary, French classes (Français Langue Etrangère) can be followed at the University Center for French Studies (CUEF).
You can follow the Master courses in two different ways, depending upon your objective
- If you wish to spend one semester or two in Grenoble while studying Physics, that can be easily done as Exchange Students. You remain registered at your home university which will provide your final degree. The conditions of your stay at Université Grenoble Alpes (UGA) as well as the list of courses that you will be following here are described within a Learning Agreement that you must sign.
- If you wish to achieve the Master degree in Physics, then you must apply and register like local students:
- Register at Université Grenoble Alpes if you enroll in M1 or in one of the following M2 tracks: ASTRO, MQ, PMRHE, PSC, TMA.
- Register at Grenoble INP, School of engineering and management, UGA if you enroll in one of the following M2 tracks: EN, MATENG, PHSEM.
If you wish to follow the whole Master program (two years), then you might be interested by applying to one of our thematic programs, proposed by the Graduate School. They can offer you a 2-year scholarship.
For more information about studying and living in Grenoble (budget, accommodation, community life, transports, culture, etc.) here are some useful links:
- The iCampus website
- The UGA Education website
- Various ressources (in particular a useful factsheet)
- Living in Grenoble (in French)
- The UGA International website
- A list of scholarships
2. Grenoble students wishing to go abroad
Si vous êtes inscrits en Master de Physique à l’UGA, vous pouvez partir- En mobilité pour études dans une université étrangère (généralement en M1), pour une période de 1 an ;
En mobilité pour stage dans un laboratoire d’accueil dans un pays étranger, pour y faire le stage d’été en M1 et/ou le stage de fin d’études en M2.
Le site International de l’UGA recense les démarches et les aides pour les étudiants grenoblois désireux de partir à l'étranger. Si vous inscrit à l'un des programmes thématiques de la Graduate School, vous pouvez bénéficier d'une bourse pour effectuer votre stage à l'étranger.
3. Students wishing to obtain a double degree
Cooperations between universities are sometimes settled around specific topics, so that students can benefit from a double degree, namely a degree that is recognized and signed by both universities.
At the master level, this usually requires to spend one year abroad and follow the lectures of the foreign university.
Mis à jour le 14 décembre 2023