Bourses d'études
Etudiants ayant fait leurs études en France
Les frais d’inscription à l’Université Grenoble Alpes sont revus annuellement et varient selon le diplôme. Des exonérations des droits d'inscription sont possibles, en fonction de votre situation.A notre connaissance, il n'existe pas de possibilité pour un étudiant ayant fait ses études en France d'obtenir une bourse d'étude sur critères académiques. Tous les dispositifs actuels et discutés plus bas sont à destination des étudiants étrangers (ayant passé leur baccalauréat ou équivalent à l'étranger).
Par contre, différentes bourses et aides peuvent vous être attribuées sur critères sociaux en fonction de votre situation : exonération des frais d’inscription, aides sociales du CROUS, aides spécifiques de l’établissement, prêt de matériel informatique. Le site iCampus fournit une aide précieuse sur ces sujets.
Scholarships available to foreign students
The tuition fees at Université Grenoble Alpes (UGA) are revised annually and differ from one degree to another. A list of all scholarships available to foreign student can be found at the UGA website. The most relevant ones are liste below:- Eiffel scholarships: founded by the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs, they aim to attract top foreign students to enroll in French Master programs (M1, M2 or both years) and to boost applications from emerging countries. The areas of study in Physics must however be related to engineering sciences. Usually, only one scholarship is attributed to the whole UGA, so the chance for getting one in the Master in Physics is quite low.
- Labex scholarships: some Labex (OSUG, LANEF) propose one year scholarships to M2 students interested in making their internship in any of the research topics proposed by groups associated with that Labex. The existence of such scholarships depends on each M2 and you must therefore contact directly the head of the M2.
- IDEX scholarships: they are open to students currently enrolled in a university outside France and who apply to a Master program at UGA, at M1 or M2. You must ask for that scholarship either along with your application (if use of eCandidat) or directly by email to the responsible of the Master Degree (if use of PEF). Selection will mainly take into account your academic record. The number of scholarships is rather low, 1 maybe 2 only.
- Graduate School@UGA: these scholarships are attributed for 2 academic years (M1 and M2) and are based on your academic record. It is not possible to apply in M2 and you must be enrolled in one of the Thematic Programs of the Graduate School that are associated with the Master in Physics. About 5 to 7 scholarships per Program can be expected. For more informations please contact the director of each Program:
- PLANNED HEALTH: you must enroll in M1 Recherche & Innovation with the aim to follow the M2 PMRHE.
- EXTREME: you can enroll either in M1 Recherche & Innovation or M1 Recherche Fondamentale, but with the aim to continue in a PhD thesis.
Publié le 10 juin 2022
Mis à jour le 15 octobre 2023
Mis à jour le 15 octobre 2023